April’s Feature Series Round-Up

We’re doing things a bit differently for this months feature-series round up at So This Is Love Blog!

Hey there sweethearts! Every month I create a ‘featured vendor series round-up’ here on the blog. For April’s series, I wasn’t quite sure which direction I wanted to go, so I put the feelers out there to see what everyone wanted next, and you all shouted from the rooftops ‘Photographers’! 

So my loves, photographers it is!!

But here’s the thing! I connect with so many of you awesome photographers on Instagram that I thought, well how on earth am I going to pick just three – Hello Impossible!!! So I’m doing it big this month (it is my birthday month after all, *ahem* ) with a feature-photo-round-up

Read on to see how you can take part

There’ll be three categories, and we’ll be featuring a total of 3-5 shots per category:

  1. Show me Your Love – Couples Couples Couples: Awesome couples shots wanted! Proposals, engagements, weddings, in home sessions and celebrations of love, show me all that love that makes the world go ’round!
  2. Give me The Deets – ‘Detail Shots’: Gorgeous engagement rings, stationery flat lays, table-scapes, floral arrangements, need I say more? Close-ups and details that make the big day magical
  3. Great Style at Every Age – Wedding Day Style: Gorgeous mothers of the bride/groom, flower girls and ring bearers that couldn’t help but steal the show, bridesmaids in robes, brides with a unique sense of style, or a groom with a ‘man bun’ (just an example) Let’s see some wedding day style that wows!

If your brain was already mentally sifting through the archives of the awesome shots you have on hand let’s get started!

Sign up below for full details on where and how to submit:

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