Goal Setting | Wedding Dress Shopping

*Today’s Guest Post is written by Sarah @  Creative & Coffee, Sarah inspired me to get my dreams down on paper and visualize my goals, in today’s post she will help brides do the same while preparing to shop for the dress of their dreams”

Writing down & visualizing goals

Chances are that you have been thinking about this for a long time. You’ve got a lot of ideas, different aspects that you are visualising and advice floating around in your head from everyone you know.

Getting these ideas down on paper is going to really help you when it comes to making a decision.

Not only will writing your ideas down allow you to really focus in on what you actually want, it will help you narrow down options that, now you look at it on paper, really won’t work out.

When you’ve been looking at pages and pages of inspiration you will probably have picked out your favorite elements from a range of sources. However, putting it down clearly and concisely you will probably find that some of these ideas simply don’t mesh. Some might not be realistic or some simply might not suite your particular circumstances. For example, the season and the venue might have more of an impact on your dress than you realize and you might find yourself having to adjust your ideas accordingly.

This clarity of mind will be valuable when coming to buy your dress as not only will it help you narrow down your options quicker but you will be able to communicate more effectively to assistants exactly what it is that you are looking for.

An important aspect of setting down your goals will also be creating a budget for yourself. Only you know how much you can and are prepared to spend. It is best to make this decision now, before you start looking at dresses, to make sure your budget is a reflection of your wallet and not your heart.

Wedding Dress Shopping | Goal Setting
Wedding Dress Shopping | Goal Setting


Try to approach all options with an open mind. You might well have seen a picture or a style of dress that you have fallen in love with but try not to reject other options out of hand. You might find that another style is a better fit for your body type or criteria as you have identified in your ‘goal setting phase’.

Remember, also, to keep your budget in mind. It’s easy to get swept up in the moment or to ‘just try on’ that dress that looks lovely but is way out of your budget range.

Try to be guided by the professionals assisting you, as well as your gut feeling. You are the one wearing this dress, so try not to be too swayed by the expectations of those around you. Whilst having the advice and opinion of friends and family is useful, at the end of the day it is your decision of what is going to make you happy on the day.

Wedding Dress Shopping | Goal Setting
Wedding Dress Shopping | Goal Setting

 How to react if things to do not go as planned

This experience can and should be a wonderful time for you; however we can’t deny that it does come with a certain amount of stress and anxiety.  Try to keep in mind that if things don’t go to plan, that doesn’t necessarily mean that this is a bad thing.

Different is not bad, it is just different. Keep your mind open and you might even be surprised at what you might find. Even if it’s not what you first envisioned.

It may even be better than you imagined.


* You can find Sarah and her exceptionally Pink Instagram account here: Creative and Coffee *

Sarah | Creative and Coffee
Sarah | Creative and Coffee

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