orlando wedding photographer

In A Glimpse Photography I Central & Southern Florida

**Today we are chatting with one of So This Is Love Blogs vendor members, Megan from In A Glimpse Photography!! Megan’s bubbly personality is infectious and she shares with us where her passion for photography began, everything she loves about shooting weddings & families in Central & South Florida, and what she has on hand when she’s workin‘!!**

Hi Megan! Tell us all about you!

I’m Megan, foodie, wine lover, coffee addict, lover of the outdoors, recent homeowner, chaser of light, world traveler, and of course photographer. I’m spunky, kind of loud, overly chatty and excited by the little things. At the risk of sounding cheesy I am the happiest enjoying the Florida sun with my feet in the sand and fruity drink in my hand. I believe in big hugs, gifts for no reason, and that getting up early to watch the sunrise is always worth it. Wondering what I shoot? Well, just about everything. I know your suppose to pick but I love it all! I get giddy over the new love of a recently engaged couple, cry as I capture wedding vows, get excited for expectant moms, beyond joyous with a squishy newborn and laugh my butt off with families. If it’s happening I want to capture it for you to cherish for a lifetime.

south florida wedding photographer
Image via In A Glimpse Photography

How long have you been serving clients via In A Glimpse Photography?

7 years ago

What locations do you currently shoot in?

 I am Florida based and offer services from Miami to Ocala, though I love an excuse to travel pretty much anywhere!!

When did your passion for photography begin?

I grew up with my mom taking a camera everywhere so it was always something I was interested in. Capturing photographs was a big part of our lives. Once I got my first camera I was hooked. I love that photographs allow you to freeze special moments to enjoy forever. The business side came later but I’ve always known I wanted to run my own business.

ocala wedding photographer

What is the biggest corner mark of your values at In A Glimpse Photography?

Life deserves to be captured and I want to capture the big moments but also all the little ones in between!! I love to get to know my clients and for them to get to know me so photoshoots don’t feel like a photoshoot and I can capture couples as they genuinely are.

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Follow Megan on Instagram @inaglimpsephoto

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What is your absolute ‘I live for this’ moment as a photographer?

Oh man this one is tough!! I have so many things I love as a photographer. I’d have to say one of my favorite moments is after a couple gets married and they walk down the aisle together there is always the initial huge smile celebratory reaction that their guests get to see, and then by the time they get to the end of the aisle there is always this one small moment where they look at each other like “yup, we just got married” and in that moment you can truly see how much in love they are with each other. In the craziness of a wedding day I really appreciate those genuine moments. Second to that, I know it’s cheating to give two answers, but I live for couples who fully put their trust in me for a session and are down for anything whether that’s trekking through some seriously shrubby or jumping in the ocean in full wedding attire!!

What is one thing most people would be surprised to know about wedding photographers?

I think most people think as photographers we just take pictures but the actual taking of photos is just a tiny percentage of what we do and how our time is spent. And I think it’s safe to say on behalf of all wedding photographers, we are always secretly hoping you make sure we get a piece of wedding cake at the end of the night!!

What is something that you always have ‘on hand’ while you are shooting?

I am a big believer in being prepared and you can find just about anything in my camera bag but I’d say my go to’s are safety pins cause you can use them for a lot of different things, band-aids (cause bridesmaids shoes are rarely comfortable) and then water, sunscreen and bug spray…well cause it’s Florida.

orlando wedding photographer

What’s one valuable lesson that you’ve learned being a creative entrepreneur that you’d love to share?

You only get what you put into it and at the end of the day you are your business. You have to truly love what you do because running your own business is no joke but if you are passionate about it, it’s amazing and not a single day ever feels like work.

You know we are huge lovers of our daily cup around here, so we have to know how do you take your coffee?

Black, plain and simple. Though I am a sucker for a really great lavender latte.

Interested in hiring Megan to shoot your shoot your wedding or special event in Central or Southern Florida? Get in touch with her here at: www.inaglimpse.photography



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